Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968 and cannot comment directly about the hypocritical members of the Congressional Black Caucus who went to Cuba to lick the bloodied boots of a dictator that has enslaved 11 million Cubans for 50 years.
But we can quote the leader of the American Civil Rights movement to show what he would have told those who today proclaim to follow his principles, while doing completely the opposite of what he preached.
Here is a famous quote by Dr. King that applies perfectly to those members of the Black Caucus who went to Cuba to support an evil dictator:
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. ... So in order to be true to one's conscience and true to God, a righteous man has no alternative but to refuse to cooperate with an evil system." From Dr King's book "Stride toward Freedom," Page 51.
Photo: Members of Black Caucus and members National Council of Churches (Cuba) usual supporter the Cuban dictatorship together in Havana.
Source: The Real Cuba.
Information in relation with this theme: CBC: Congressional boot-lickers.
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