Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez attended a Catholic Mass in Caracas on Friday.
The Mass was offered by a pro-Chávez renegade Catholic priest named Adolfo Rojas, who normally ends the Mass yelling "Fatherland, Socialism or Death."
During the Mass, Rojas asked Chávez to "touch Christ to renew your baptism and to consecrate your life to Him."
Rojas then offered a prayer for Chávez saying that the Venezuelan dictator was considered an "example" in all of Latin America, the Middle East and the Patagonia."
A few weeks ago we had the president of the UN General Assembly saying that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was "the closest thing to a Saint" that he had seen.
And now this.
I am afraid to even think of what could be next.
Source: The Real Cuba.
1 comentario:
¡Eso es lo que pedimos en Venezuela: Dios no agarre confesados!
Porque este cínico gobierno Pro Comunista, paraece querer repetir la historia de ustedes en Cuaba. No sé si lo estarán Ustedes viendo con éxito, pero aquí poco a poco medra la independencia de poderes y el esatdo Comunista a todo le está poniendo manos.
Ojála no tengamos que confesarno ante el dios comunista, porque sino nos agarrarán sin la absolución.
Dios les bendiga por este maravillso trabajo que realizan en este blog.
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