Forty-four young Seventh-day Adventist Cubans joined more than 5,000 Adventists gathered July 26 to 28 in Colombia for the church's Inter-American Youth Leadership and Prayer Convention.
Securing group travel permission from the Cuban government for the Adventist young people -- the largest such delegation to travel from the country since 1959 -- was a yearlong process, church leaders there said.
Twenty-two members of the delegation reported difficulties clearing visas and detoured to Venezuela, a country adjacent to Colombia, to arrive midway through the event. The other 22 members arrived July 27 in time to present their youth ministries report.
"It's an honor for us to be with you tonight," Ruber Alvarez, youth ministries director for the church in Cuba, told the convention audience. Alvarez said he hoped the Cuban presence at the convention would set a precedent for future events and suggested that Cuba might one day even host such a gathering.
Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church's Inter-American region, said the regional church would donate funds to help the Cuban delegation and urged those gathered to join in supporting Cuban Adventists.
More than 30,000 Adventists -- more than half of whom are young people -- live in Cuba. There are 272 Adventist churches and a theological seminary on the island nation of about 11.4 million people.
2 comentarios:
En el 2002 la Iglesia Adventista presto uno de sus principales templos en la habana para realizar uno de los cultos de clausura de la asamblea nacional de CIC. El presidente de esa denominacion en tono de risa declaro que fue practicamente obligado a prestar le templo ya que "su denominacion no pertenece al consejo ni estaba interezado en estar presente en ese culto", fue una nota discordante? no fue, para los presentes, poder palpar la relidad que se vive al interior de la Iglesias cubanas en su relacion con la OFicina de asuntos religios del PCC.
Siempre han manipulado incluso a los lideres de las iglesias No miembros del CIC.
Al ex obisto Metodista, Rodriguez, lo "cogieron para el trajin" siempre.
El actual Presidente de la Conencion Bautista de Cuba Occ, el Dr Victor Gonzalez, mucho antes de su eleccion , y perteneciendo a la directia de esta conencion-, se reunia en secreto en el Centro Martin Luther King, quien sabe con que propositos.
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