August 23, 2006
Havana, Cuba. Pastor Bernardo de Quesada was arrested the night of August 11th as he was conducting an evangelistic crusade in Santa Bárbara, Santiago de Cuba. He was taken from there to the Department of State Security in that city where he remained being questioned until 7:30 A. M. of the following day.
Pastor Quesada was deported to Camagüey City where he is resident; he had to abandon the congregation and his family.
According to the judgment of Juan Carlos González Leiva, the president of the Cuban Foundation of Human Rights, Bernardo de Quesada has written several books and has participated in many international events; he is a protestant leader of the International Apostolic Church, living constantly under constant pursuit by the State Security. He has been the victim of several threats of being taken to prison all because he preaches the gospel.
González Leiva requests that international organizations pay attention to the religious persecution which other pastors suffer presently in Cuba.
Press Agency: Youth without Censorship. (Jóvenes sin censura).
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Christians have suffered greatly in Cuba and remains on The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom's "Watch List".
Esto es solo algunos de los casos que se conocen, muchas personas sufren toda suerte de injusticias en Cuba, pero no denuncian las violaciones a sus derechos. Y cuando lo hacen sufren no solo ellos sino sus familiares todo tipo de castigos.
Habla la "Sargenta Politica": Miriam Ortega y dice :
Ofelia Ortega, copresidenta del CMI, dice que cubanos deben resolver situación interna.
Ofelia Ortega: A los cubanos nos corresponde decidir nuestro destino
GINEBRA, Suiza, Setiembre 6, 2006
Cualquier proceso que ocurra en Cuba en las circunstancias actuales, "será responsabilidad de los cubanos y cubanas que allí vivimos", dijo Ofelia Ortega, teóloga presbiteriana y co-presidenta del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI).
"Rechazamos cualquier injerencia extranjera; solo a nosotros nos toca decidir nuestro destino", declaró al Servicio de Prensa del CMI.
Our second piece is from Religion en Revolucion who has written a post called A religious leader in Cuba arrested and repressed. Pastor Bernardo de Quesada was arrested the night of August 11th as he was conducting an evangelistic crusade in Santa Bárbara, Santiago de Cuba. He was taken from there to the Department of State Security in that city where he remained being questioned until 7:30 A. M. of the following day.
Information in: Christian Persecution BLOG
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