Hundreds of Cubans died in the early 1960s defending their Catholic faith. Among them was my brother's best friend, Rogelio Gonzalez Corzo, known in the clandestine Cuban resistance forces as "Francisco," a devout Catholic young man who was only 28 when he died in front of one of Castro's firing squads. His last words before he was murdered were "Viva Cristo Rey."
Now, 49 years later, the Church that he and hundreds of others gave their lives to defend, gives special treatment to those who have his blood and that of Virgilio Campanería, Alberto Tapia and many other young Catholics on their hands, while ignoring the regular Cubans, including the Ladies in White, who are victims of this brutal regime.
All might have passed peacefully if the Ladies in White had been treated with some dignity and seated among the congregation as they had been promised. Instead, mid-way through the service, while Cardinal Bertone made a vacuous plea for reconciliation among all Cubans he was rudely interrupted, as the Ladies in White burst spontaneously into a religious song, crying out "Viva Cristo! Viva Cristo! Viva Cristo!" Burly, plainclothes security men rushed in their direction and the cameras of the media wheeled around to film the moment of protest. Even the cardinal was thrown off track and had to pause. However, so tin-eared is the Vatican's top diplomat that he gave not a flicker of recognition to the long-suffering women and the hundreds of political prisoners they represent in Castro's gulag.
As soon as Mass ended, Cardinal Bertone descended from the altar to offer the Catholic "sign of peace" and a warm embrace for each member of the Cuban high command. Then it was all over, the cardinal had given his blessing to the Communists while keeping the faithful at bay.
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CLICK HERE to read more about Rogelio Gonzalez Corzo and other Catholic youths who were murdered by Castro
Photo: Rogelio "Francisco" González Corzo .1932 – 1961.Cuba
Now, 49 years later, the Church that he and hundreds of others gave their lives to defend, gives special treatment to those who have his blood and that of Virgilio Campanería, Alberto Tapia and many other young Catholics on their hands, while ignoring the regular Cubans, including the Ladies in White, who are victims of this brutal regime.
All might have passed peacefully if the Ladies in White had been treated with some dignity and seated among the congregation as they had been promised. Instead, mid-way through the service, while Cardinal Bertone made a vacuous plea for reconciliation among all Cubans he was rudely interrupted, as the Ladies in White burst spontaneously into a religious song, crying out "Viva Cristo! Viva Cristo! Viva Cristo!" Burly, plainclothes security men rushed in their direction and the cameras of the media wheeled around to film the moment of protest. Even the cardinal was thrown off track and had to pause. However, so tin-eared is the Vatican's top diplomat that he gave not a flicker of recognition to the long-suffering women and the hundreds of political prisoners they represent in Castro's gulag.
As soon as Mass ended, Cardinal Bertone descended from the altar to offer the Catholic "sign of peace" and a warm embrace for each member of the Cuban high command. Then it was all over, the cardinal had given his blessing to the Communists while keeping the faithful at bay.
Read this completed article made CLICK HERE
Additional information made CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE to read more about Rogelio Gonzalez Corzo and other Catholic youths who were murdered by Castro
Photo: Rogelio "Francisco" González Corzo .1932 – 1961.Cuba
1 comentario:
"Viva Cristo Rey" era la frase que proclamaba la fe de los que serian fusilados. Esto es testimonio de muchos presos polticos.
Ahora no puedo asegurarlo pero puede buscarse en "Contra Toda Esperanza" de Armando Valladares, una de las cronicas
mas detalladas y cercanas a lo que se sufrio y se sufre en las carceles cubanas y en particular los presos politico.
La frase dejó de escucharse a partir de cierto momento aunque los fusilamientos no cesaron y tampoco la fe y el valor de
las victimas. Suponen muchos presos politicos de la epoca que a algunas de las victimas les tapaban la boca y la otra posibilidad
es la de que en el momento de ser fusilados ya estuvieran desfallecidos de la extraccion previa de la mayor parte de la sangre.
Recuerdo aquel documento historico que divulgo la Iglesia Catolica Cubana en los peores momentos de los
años 90s "El Amor Todo lo Espera". Moderado pero valiente, una diseccion de parte del sufrimiento y la esperanza de la ciudadania.
Despues de aquello han pasado muchos años. La cupula de la Iglesia ha derivado a una actitud incierta, sumisa y hasta complice.
Hace un par de años en ocasion de un aniversario de las relaciones entre los Estados cubano y Vaticano
el Cardenal Jaime Ortega Alamino se presto para una manipulacion del gobierno participando incluso en una cena.
Despues de aquello he abandonado lo que parecia una duda razonable para adquirir una certeza condenatoria reafirmada
en las ultimas horas con las noticias que se reciben de la bendicion por parte del Vaticano de la continuacion de la dictadura
tal vez por otro medio siglo, sin importar los asesinatos, sin importar el hambre, sin importar dos millones de desterrados,
sin importar la falta de derechos de todo tipo.
Muchas victimas y otros abandonados por la cupula entre los que se cuentan entre otros y los mas cercanos Paya Sardinas,
Oscar Elias Biscet y Dagoberto Valdes.
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