febrero 12, 2013

Alimujiang: A case of religious repression in China.

This letter was received in the mailbox of the email sent by a known organization helping the persecuted church in China. We include this letter as a post and we hope our readers are aware of the reality of believers in Christ who are repressed in China
Authorities Cut Alim's Time with Family
Dear Cubareligion,
I have some very disturbing news to share with you, I hope you’ll take the time to read it.
Recently, the wife of jailed Uyghur Christian leader, Alimujiang, has had her short, monthly visits with her husband severely curtailed!
Imagine, you have two growing boys who long to see their father, but he’s in prison because of his religious beliefs! Up until now, you and the boys were able to see him once a month for 20 minutes and you cherished every precious minute.
However, now you’ve been told that the monthly visits would no longer be permitted – you’d have to wait and see him once every three months!
And, you’d not get 20 minutes, but only 10 minutes.
Alimujiang, wife and children in photo 
Your husband called on New Year’s Day to say he hoped that you could bring your two sons to visit him. Would you go to the prison on only the hope that the prison authorities would allow them to visit?
That’s the dilemma you face.
Here you are, your husband sentenced to 15 years in prison only because of his religious beliefs. And, now you’ve been told he can’t see you and your young boys as often as before.
Of course ChinaAid expresses its shock at this latest persecution of Alimujiang and his family and condemns the Xinjiang authorities for this heartless decision. You can click here to help the persecuted like Alimujiang
And, the road has not been an easy one. It all began in 2007 when the Kashgar Municipal Bureau for Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Xinjiang ruled that: “Since 2002, Alimujiang Yimiti has been engaged in illegal religious infiltration activities in Kashi area in the name of work. He preached Christianity, distributed religious propaganda materials and converted people to Christianity among ethnic Uighurs.”
Then in 2008 the Kashgar Municipal Public Security Bureau placed Alimujiang under criminal detention on suspicion of "inciting the secession of the state” and “illegally providing state secrets to foreigners.” A few days later he was formally arrested by order of the procuratorate.
On September 12, 2008, the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention reached a decision with regard to Alimujiang’s case. In its Document No. 29 for 2008, it determined that Alimujiang was arbitrarily detained.
Yet, nothing happened until August 2009 when the Kashgar Intermediate Court secretly sentenced Alimujiang to 15 years imprisonment on the charge of “illegally providing state secrets to a foreigner." The court did not notify Alimujiang’s wife or his attorney, Mr. Li Dunyong, of the verdict and sentence until two months later.
Alimujiang appealed and was represented by the prominent human rights attorney Mr. Li Baiguang.
On March 16, 2010, the Higher People’s Court of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region upheld the lower court verdict of Kashgar District Intermediate Court at a closed hearing during which Alimujiang’s attorney was denied permission to argue his case. Alimujiang was sentenced to 15 years in prison and five years deprivation of political rights. Alimujiang was transferred from the Kashgar Detention Center to serve his sentence at the Xinjiang No. 3 Prison.
Then in November 2010 the Xinjiang Higher People’s Court accepted the appeal filed by Alimujiang’s wife, Gulinuer, and his mother, Wuxiuerhan, and decided to retry Alimujiang’s case of “disclosing top state secrets.” At the request of his family members, Beijing's Gongxin Law Firm, which had been representing Alimujiang throughout this case sent its attorneys who arrived in Urumqi on November 17. After Christmas 2010, Xinjiang Higher People’s Court notified Gulinuer that they had made a decision on this case on December 20 in a collegial panel.
But hope was dashed in February 2011 when the Xinjiang Higher People’s Court notified Alimujiang Yimiti, who was already serving his sentence, that it was upholding his original sentence of 15 years imprisonment.
ChinaAid is deeply suspicious of the administrative abilities of the Xinjiang authorities and of their motivations for this decision, which can only draw negative attention. This combination of weak government administration and its willful violation of the law is a sign that Xinjiang's situation will continue to deteriorate. ChinaAid urges the new Chinese leadership to promote the rule of law by unconditionally releasing Alimujiang as soon as possible.
ChinaAid diligently seeks to help men, like Alimujiang, who are being persecuted for their faith and where human rights are being violated by providing legal aid where possible and helping the families of political prisoners.
Your gift of $100, $75 or $50 will help ChinaAid continue to defend men like Alimujiang. Please take a moment right now and consider serving the persecuted through your gift.
You can click here to make your gift -- please let me hear from you today!
Serving the persecuted with you,
Bob Fu, President
P.S. We spend about $2,000 each month in emergency support and over $15,000 each month providing legal defense for the persecuted like Alimujiang. Each and every gift help provide for the persecuted in China. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
P.P.S. ChinaAid also urges people of conscience in China as well as worldwide to write letters to Alimujiang to express their concern for his situation. The address is:  Team 19, Area 5, Prison No. 3 of Xinjiang, Dongzhan Road,Urumqi, Xinjiang. 830013

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