septiembre 23, 2015

“The Church” in Cuba – What are they talking about?

It is necessary today to be an expert in religious affairs in order to identify to what is being referred when in Cuba, the term the “Church” is used.
In the schools, the Church is guilty of the Conquest and the extermination of the natives. It was complicit, together with the government of Spain in the sacking of the peoples of America. It is an offense to reason, which invents fables to explain natural phenomena.
In the 1960s it was a dangerous enemy which had to be eliminated. Its properties were converted into little plazas where meat and vegetables were sold. Its leaders were made homeless or taken to concentration camps. In the end they were tolerated because they were impossible to eradicate.
Pastor Luis Yoel Balbuena
In the diplomatic world, the Church is the Catholics; they represent the Vatican State, not God; it is a political question, not one of religious freedom.
To those who dole out freedoms, the Church is the communists who use the name of God but believe in a liberation theology where Christianity and Marxism are the same things. These people are represented in the Cuban parliament and subject to the Council of Churches and the Office of Religious Affairs of the Communist Party.
To those who persecute, the Church are little groups, a criminal nexus of fanatics who meet in homes or in improvised locations, without legal status, and who they label as being paid by the CIA or the Miami mafia.
As far as the UN or international public opinion is concerned, the Church is free and enjoys all of its rights on the Island. Creed and denomination do not matter; all receive the same treatment: they can build churches, hold national events, invite their foreign counterparts, etc. (Here, it is never specific to which sector of the larger concept of the “Church” they refer.)
For the Pope, the Church is the Vatican. He says the Church is poor and God wants it poor like Mary. What the Church says is law, and we all know that in this, he represents the Church.
For God, the Church is Him together with his children, those who have believed in Christ and because of His grace, have been forgiven and adopted. The Church is pure and holy.
The Church in Cuba continues to be persecuted, without the rights to hold meetings or the right of association, or public manifestation.
The Church can never unite with the Communist ideal before God, nor to the ideals of poverty and idolatry of the Pope.
The Church does not answer to any human government because Jesus is the Lord and King, and the principles of God are its magna carta.
I hope you know how to identify the Church, even though you are not an expert. And if you are part of her, you should decide to be faithful to God and not complicit with corrupt and hypocritical men.
In Cuba and in the world, everything will change, but the Church of the Lord will remain according to the design of God!

*Lic. Luis Yoel Balbuena Pérez. Pastor and Teacher and Miracle Solution Apostolic Ministry. It is part of the Apostolic Movement in Cuba; He resides in Guáimaro, Cuba. Your address and other details are as follows: Calle 10 #18 e/ 7ma y 15, Reparto Sandino. Guáimaro. Camagüey. Cuba .Cel.: +53 53411525 / +53 54343011. E mail:

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