febrero 17, 2014

106 Christians Brutally Murdered by Boko Haram Militants in Northern Nigeria.

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #241, Washington, D.C. 20006

Media Contact:
William Stark, Regional Manager for Africa
106 Christians Brutally Murdered by Boko Haram Militants in Northern Nigeria

Christian Slaughter in Northern Nigeria Continues Unabated
2/17/2014 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) - International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that106 Christians were brutally murdered by suspected Boko Haram militants in an attack on a Christian village in northern Nigeria over the weekend. According to reports, the vast majority of the Christians killed were men rounded up by the militants and executed by either having their throats slit or being shot in the village square. This marks the deadliest single attack on Christian in Nigeria in months.

According to  BosNewsLife, the attacked on the Christian village of Izghe, located in Nigeria's northern state of Borno, began late Saturday night, Feb. 15.  Around one hundred militants, suspected by Nigerian government officials to be connected to the Boko Haram terrorist network, wearing military uniforms surrounded the village with armed vehicles and began to round up Christian men living there.

After rounding up a large group of Christian men, the militants began to execute them in the village square. Survivors of the attack reported to the BBC that many of the Christian victims were shot, but several had their throats slit by the militants.

Next, the militants went door to door in the village searching for Christian men they failed to kill in the village square. In total, it is believed that 106 Christians were murdered in the attack on Izghe, which lasted 5 hours. Of those 106, 105 were men and 1 was an elderly woman trying to protect her grandson, the senator of Borno state told the BBC.

"All the dead bodies of the victims are still lying in the streets," resident Abubakar Usman told Reuters"We fled without burying them, fearing the terrorists were still lurking in the bushes."  
Boko Haram is an Islamic terrorist network group currently fighting the Nigerian government for control of northern Nigeria. The Boko Haram group desires to establish a separate Islamic state in Nigeria's northern states where it can enact an ultra conservative interpretation of Sharia law. Since beginning its armed insurgency in 2009, Boko Haram has killed thousands of people in Nigeria, often targeting Christians for some of the most brutal acts of violence. In early 2012, Boko Haram leaders demanded all Christians to leave northern Nigeria so that the group could create a purely Islamic society. Since then, Boko Haram has perpetrated church bombings, drive-by shootings and Christian pogroms across northern Nigeria.

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