julio 25, 2012

Help Gao Zhisheng's Daughter.

July 20, 2012
Dear Friend,

     The well-known couple began attending a little Beijing house church regularly in 2005.  This was different because they were part of the Communist Party.  Later that year the couple quit the Communist Party and publicly called it “inhuman, unjust, and evil.”

    Thus began the journey of prominent Chinese Human Rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, his wife and family.

    Often called the “conscience of China,” the 47-year-old Christian disappeared into police custody in 2009, less than a year after being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his human-rights advocacy work.

    While family members of Gao have confirmed he is alive, he is still in prison.  Over the years he has had opportunity to describe the unbelievable torture the Chinese police inflicted on him.  Gao’s wife, Geng He, fled to the United States with their two children just before Gao’s 2009 arrest and disappearance.  In fact, I personally flew to Thailand in 2009 and rescued Grace, her mom and her little brother to the United States.

    And, that is in part while I’m writing to you.

    Because ChinaAid is working extensively with the Persecuted Church in China there is a great opportunity to help the families of men and women like Gao and his wife, Geng.  We’ve established a"Children of the Persecuted Education Fund" to help the children of the persecuted faithful.

    For instance, Gao's daughter, Grace Ge Geng (pictured on the right), is now of an age to continue her education.  And, Grace has been accepted at Baylor University for the 2012-2013 school year.  But, the cost of tuition, books, housing and other related costs will be about $42,000 per year and her father is still being held in prison!

    The good news is that friends have already given about $5,000 towards this cost.  She has been awarded a student loan of almost $4,000.  But, we need to raise about $21,000 before the end of this month for her summer and fall expenses.

    Will you help us help Grace?

    Your gift will help Gao’s daughter and others like her to continue their education while the other family members are in prison.  Please pray, asking the Lord what He would have you do and then make a gift that the Lord directs.  Click here to make your gift.

    On behalf of Grace, thank you in advance for your help.

     Serving the Persecuted Faithful,

Bob Fu

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