mayo 19, 2006

Persecuted Pastor's Health Deteriorates in Villa Marista Prison.

Friends, the story we are sharing with you below is heartbreaking, and I want to ask you on behalf of this Pastor and his family to take some time this weekend to write them a letter of encouragement and also to add them to your prayer list. Here is a pastor who is being held in prison for no reason. He has not committed any crime, and yet he is being held as if he has. His health is failing, and he is also away from his family. Please also pray for his wife and daughter, as you can imagine, it must be horrible to be taken away from your loved one for no good reason.
The following is directly from VOM Media contacts.
Arrested in his La Lisa neighborhood home in Havana, Cuba by five security policemen on February 20 for allegedly aiding refugees to illegally emigrate, Pastor Carlos Lamelas remains in La Villa Marista Detention Center as his weight and blood pressure continue to drop to unhealthy levels. Officers searched his entire home, confiscating his computer, printer, personal files and other office items. No formal charges have been brought against Cuba’s former President of the Church of God, as the police-appointed “instructor” has still not briefed Carlos on the reason for his detainment.
It is widely accepted that Pastor Lamelas was targeted by the Castro regime ever since he refused to sign (and sing) government rhetoric sent to him in a document over three years ago. Christians were urged to follow cue “if they wanted to be on the safe side of the government.” He did not, and was thrown in prison twice before his latest arrest, when he was falsely accused of working for the CIA and then of being a counterrevolutionary.
Carlos’ wife, Uramis Lamelas, is only allowed to visit him for 15 minutes every Monday morning while three policemen sit around them to limit their conversations. The meetings take place at La Villa Marista Detention Center in the La Víbora area of Havana’s Arroyo Naranjo borough. The pastor’s 12-year old daughter, Estefania, was only allowed to visit him once, and his 6-year-old daughter, Daniela, is also praying for his release.
To encourage Pastor Lamelas and his family, his wife can receive letters addressed to: Uramis Frometa Salvat de Lamelas .220 No. 6910 Entre 69 y 71.La Lisa, Habana, CubaTel: Phone: 011-53-7-260-0200

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