diciembre 04, 2005

Bible Society work in Cuba.

Bible Society Annual Report 2004-05
Throughout the year, the Biblical Commission of the Council of Cuban Churches supported Churches of all denominations by distributing Scripture material to support their evangelism work. As a result, not only has attendance at Church, seminaries and Christian camps increased, but also the national body that represents pastors and missionaries. This has meant that our workload has increased still further as we receive a constant stream of phone calls, letters, faxes, emails, and visits from people asking for our help in providing Bibles, New Testaments and other types of Scripture.
In line with our philosophy, we distribute these materials to the National Presidents of the Churches, whether or not they are members of the Council of Cuban Churches. It is then up to them to distribute the literature to local Churches.
The UBS continues to be our major supporter in so many ways including the provision of Scriptures, the running of the office equipment and the office vehicle, payment of customs taxes, visits from consultants offering guidance, invitations to attend UBS events in other countries, the supply of paper, ink and printing plates for our local printer, and the holding of Biblical Sciences Workshops.
The Biblical Sciences Workshops are very popular and two were held during the year. The first, in May, was held at the Methodist Church of Nueva Gerona, the capital of the Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth), to the south of the city of Havana. Over 250 pastors, missionaries and lay preachers attended. The second was held during October, in the first Baptist Church in the city of Matanzas, and 225 pastors, missionaries and lay preachers (as well as female leaders) took part.
Our attendance at the regional meeting in Brazil, the financial reform and budgetary workshop in Mexico, and the World Assembly in Wales, UK, enabled us to share information and knowledge with other attendees.
Locally, we attended the graduation event from the national Theological Seminary and handed out especially dedicated Bibles to each graduate. We also participated in many National Assemblies and Denominational Conventions across the country. Similarly, we attended meetings held between pastors and Christian university students and workshop celebrations set up by the Council of Cuban Churches. We plan to continue supporting their programs for older adults and those living under pressure, particularly those who are blind and deaf.
Towards the end of the year, we gave support to ‘Pax Dei’, an evangelical choir made up of 90 singers from different denominations. Their Christmas concert was broadcast on national TV to millions of Cubans for the fifth year in succession.
We have a real need for a warehouse which would allow us to store our materials and carry out our work in a more effective way. We continue to pray for this as, at the, moment, our materials are stored in a variety of different places.
We give thanks to the Lord and to all of our brothers and sisters who have helped us with our work.
http://www.biblesociety.org/ http://religionrevolucion.blogspot.com

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