noviembre 01, 2005

Prayer calendar references about Cuban prisoners conscience.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide. 2005
November 2 ~ Dr. Oscar Biscet is a committed Christian and well known Cuban human rights activist who is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence. Please pray for Dr. Biscet as he suffers from ill health and remember his wife and family as they live without him.
November 3 ~ Please pray for those such as “Antunez” imprisoned in Cuba for taking a stand on human right or for somehow upsetting the government. Pray for their quick release. Pray also that they would be encouraged and sustained through their imprisonment.
November 4 ~ Fidel Castro is now in his late 70s, having held power since 1959, and is rumored to be in ill health. Please pray that the next leader of Cuba would allow Christians, of whatever denomination, to live in peace and freedom.
November 5 ~ Since the breakup of USSR in 1991, Cuba's economy has suffered greatly. This has caused many Cubans to risk the treacherous journey across the Florida Straits to America. Please pray that the government would have wisdom in its economic policies.
November 6 ~ Please continue to pray for blind Christian human rights activist Juan Carlos, of Cuba, and his wife Maritza, who is still under house arrest. Pray for courage and wisdom as his work continues.
November 7 ~ Many basic human rights in Cuba are still in the balance. It is extremely unwise to speak out against the government, and a range of sanction, such as denial of access to healthcare or education, occur if this happens.
November 8~ Intercession: Heavenly Father, we pray today for Cuba. We thank and praise you for the faithful witness of your people despite the restrictions and persecution that they have faced. We ask that you would protect the church and cause it to grow. Please soften the hearts of those who hold power, especially Cuba's longtime leader Fidel Castro. We lift up all those who are in prison today because of their faith. May they know your peace, joy and hope?
Religion en Revolucion. / Christian Solidarity Worldwide

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